In a fast-paced world dominated by screens and technology, there's a growing desire to unplug and engage in activities that challenge our minds an...
Mechanical puzzles are a splendid way for adults and children with diverse brains to test their problem-solving skills and have a great time while ...
How hard is this puzzle? One of our most frequently asked questions about mechanical puzzles is also one of the most nuanced to answer. The human b...
Puzzles have been passed down from Grandfathers and Fathers for hundreds of years; this Father's Day, we hope to help you start a fun tradition at ...
Have you ever wondered, while working on a particularly great mechanical puzzle: who comes up with this stuff!? You’re not alone. Copious amounts o...
What’s the most exclusive party you’ve ever been to? Chances are, it wasn’t puzzle-themed, but that’s exactly what the subject of today’s blog post...
What do you do when faced with a problem? Tackle it head on? Mull things over first and develop a plan of attack? We can’t solve your problems for ...
Boxes are beautiful. Simple, streamlined, versatile compartments full of mystery and history that have lasting, universal appeal. There is somethin...
Faced with the power and freedom of extra time at home, I’m always pursuing new ways to keep my brain and body active. Naturally, I seek refuge in ...