Mechanical Puzzles Blog

Secret Surprise Boxes: Puzzle Boxes for Kids
Imagine a box that isn't just a box, but a secret agent's hidden compartment, a pirate's treasure chest, or a whimsical portal to another world. Pu...

The future of Puzzles: how artificial intelligence is changing the game
The world of puzzles and artificial intelligence (AI) has seen significant growth and development in recent years. With the advent of advanced AI ...

What it takes to become an expert at mechanical puzzles - The art of solving puzzles
To become a mechanical puzzle master, you will need to practice and learn about different types of puzzles. Here are some steps you can follow: ...

Give Your Kid a Head Start in Education - Without Sacrificing the Fun!
Whether they are easy, moderately difficult, or hard puzzles, there’s something to be said for having fun while still learning, don’t you think? (w...