Mechanical Puzzles Blog

Kubiya’s Beginner Guide to Puzzling and Codebreaking
What do you do when faced with a problem? Tackle it head on? Mull things over first and develop a plan of attack? We can’t solve your problems for ...

Kubiya’s Pick: Top-Tier Puzzle Vloggers Worthy of a YouTube Video Binge
YouTube is a miraculous place. COLOSSAL amounts of content, media, and diverse voices are waiting to be explored …. if you know which channels to f...

Mechanical Puzzle Boxes and their SECRET
Boxes are beautiful. Simple, streamlined, versatile compartments full of mystery and history that have lasting, universal appeal. There is somethin...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Subscription Puzzle Boxes but Were Afraid to Ask!
Faced with the power and freedom of extra time at home, I’m always pursuing new ways to keep my brain and body active. Naturally, I seek refuge in ...